Chronic lower back pain is pain that lasts for at least 12 weeks. It is surprisingly common, accounting for many missed work days and a major cause of job-related disability. It is estimated that roughly 80 percent of people will experience lower back pain at some point in their life.
Lower back pain can be sharp and come on quickly, or be a nagging, dull ache. While some cases of lower back pain can be directly tied to an injury or other event, it is also common for individuals to develop chronic back pain without knowing what caused the issue to begin with.
Chronic lower back pain can develop from disc issues, such as disc degeneration and herniated disc. There are also disc conditions that can compress the nerves in the area, causing pain that radiates to other parts of the body. Injuries and strains, such as from lifting heavy objects, can lead to lower back pain. Inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis, can also cause chronic lower back pain.
Arthritis between small joints in the back, known as facet joints can be an important cause of back pain.
Regardless of the reason for your lower back pain, treatment is possible. Although many people worry that back pain automatically means surgery, that isn’t necessarily so. There are many treatments available for lower back pain.
Minimizing inflammation and determining the root cause of the pain will start the healing process. Application of hot and cold compresses, anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, nerve blocks and other treatments are combined to develop an effective plan for pain management.
Bed rest, once thought to be necessary for the treatment of back pain, is no longer recommended. The goal is to manage and treat the chronic lower back pain and return to everyday activities as quickly as possible.
At Pain & Spine Center of Charlottesville, we provide multiple treatment options for patients suffering from chronic or acute back pain. Call us today at 434-328-2774 to schedule your appointment!